Questions & Answers
Your soul already knows you're ready for a True Whealthness™ journey
"The next time you encounter fear, consider yourself lucky. This is where the courage comes in. Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they are intimate with fear."
- Pema Chodron
What are some signs and symptoms that I may experience from not living my truth and following my true nature?
Anxiety, withdrawal, avoidance, confusion, apathy, numbing out, distracting, procrastination, reactivity, busyness, people-pleasing, victim consciousness ("life is happening to me"), emotional eating, alcohol use, sugar addiction, analysis paralysis, overworking in the wrong direction, sleep difficulties, self-sabotage, disconnection from intuition, and overwhelm are all potential signs.
These signs and symptoms can indicate a fear response that holds people back from embracing the change and expansion arising from their True Self. When fear and comfort in the known are chosen over heeding this inner calling and seeking support for a new path, suppression of your true nature can lead to bodily discomforts and eventually to disease formation in the body.
Why is there limited information on each of the programs?
How will I know that I will be supported in moving through the fear response to embrace my true nature?
The overall framework and intentions for the programs are provided, but specific details are not outlined because each program is uniquely tailored to individual circumstances, desires, challenges, history, and more. There is no "one-size-fits-all" formula. True healing is deeply personal and highly individualized, dependent on your commitment to change.
The detailed information you provide in your application is critical to designing a personalized journey for your authentic transformation and reconnection with your true nature for durable health. Depending on your specific fear behavior pattern, therapeutic practices such as breath work, somatic experiences, inner child healing, meta-awareness, energy healing, and more may be employed to help you move through fear to make choices from a place of love and expansion.
What are these programs about?
These programs are designed for health transformation & empowerment, where you are your own medicine™. They offer a blend of inner work, consultancy, coaching, mentoring and healing, representing an innovative approach to a new health system that is truly health-focused, comprehensive, intuitive and nuanced.
Each program is dedicated to creating and maintaining the conditions for health, empowering and healing participants by drawing on deep knowledge of the human body from modern medicine such as nervous system rewiring, combined with various spirit-based therapeutic approaches. Click here for the breadth of modalities.
If this is a new health system, do I still need to have a primary care provider and/or use the standard medical system?
Yes, your primary care provider and the standard medical system are still necessary for urgent and emergent health concerns, routine health screenings, and prescription medications. We can provide guidance on how to navigate the current medical system in an empowered way so you can begin to take on the role of "CEO" of your medical team. Ultimately, as you fully connect with your true nature and consistently tune into your body’s inner wisdom, allowing your innate healing capacities to flourish, the need for and use of the standard medical system may lessen.
How do I know that I am a good fit for these programs and if I will really benefit from them?
I am committed to transforming my health and my life.
I am ready to make shifts in all areas of my life, including mindset, sleep, nutrition, exercise, and relationships.
I would benefit from support in identifying my roadblocks to change.
I feel overwhelmed by all the therapeutic modalities and would like a true expert who is knowledgeable and trustworthy to help guide me.
I am interested in learning how to best take care of myself—body, mind, heart, emotions, sex, energy, and spirit. I want to feel confident in being the director and "CEO" of my health.
I feel my energy level, attention, and vitality are not what they used to be and not where I would like them to be.
I am motivated to heal, to embrace radical self-honesty, to shed outdated behaviors and identities in order to become fully aligned with my true nature and realize my fullest potential. I desire a supportive and compassionate guide who honors this sacred, vulnerable, and courageous process.
I want to be the change I want to see in the world and contribute my unique talents to help my family, community, and the world at this time.
I am interested in joining a community of other highly motivated people in shifting the arc of humanity with this innovative movement for true foundational health and wellness.
What is the investment for the programs?
Investments for the programs are representative of your commitment to transformation into your highest potential to fulfill the meaningful life your soul committed to lead and is integral for true vibrant health.
The financial commitment for the 2-3 month 1:1 programs are 5-figure investments, while the 6-month 1:1 programs are 6-figure investments. Each program is highly personalized based on your needs + goals and may include combination of in-person + virtual formats.
These financial commitments reflect the significant investment of your time, energy, and dedication needed during these journeys that are designed to change the trajectory of your life into one that is connected with your True Self, to the greater Life, and empowered in your health to fulfill your dreams for an authentic life that is in service to both your highest good and the highest good of all beings.
The return on this investment will be immeasurable, as you transform into a powerful creator of your reality in co-creation with the Universe.
For those who resonate with True Whealthness and do not yet have a clear insight on a specific intention for change, the coaching-consultation service with an hourly rate of $777 is an alternative option for a discovery into what the soul nudging is for you.